Website by
The Team
I'm Delia, welcome to our home, our dream and sometimes our nightmare! If you've read the website you would see that we have always been concerned with animal welfare but didn't have the space to work with larger or wild animals, so that's how our motto was formed, "we can't do all that we want, so we will do what we can."
So now we are doing what we can by helping these much misunderstood smaller animals to be appreciated and educate people of their needs. In addition to all the animals I'm mum to our two wonderful children Bradley and Laura, and married to my amazing husband and soul mate Jim, we've been together since 1970, still sharing our dreams. My other passion is riding my Harley Davidson, when I get time! I would also like to thank all our volunteers and supporters, we could not do without you.
We love what we do and only wish we could do more. Thank you for your time.
I'm Jim, I share my life with my children, my wonderful wife and 130 + animals and a house full of volunteers, hay, straw, toys and paper work!
Gone are the days of lazing around at the weekend or even the evenings!
When the weather is nice and we are not up to our ears in bunnies and piggies, our choice of relaxation is to go riding on our Harleys.
I guess if you've read the 'news page' on the website you will see that I enjoy writing poetry and when the going get tough I put my thoughts down on paper (see the news article on 20/07/05.)
Thank you to everyone that's ever re-homed a Bobtails animal, made a donation or helped out.
The centre grows each year and we couldn't do this without your support.
Thank you.
I was introduced to Bobtails through Claire who runs the Doe Drop Inn rabbit hotel in Frimley. I needed someone special to look after my rabbit Bonnie whilst I was away on holiday and choose the Doe Drop Inn because Claire worked for Bobtails, a charity that I had heard about whilst working at Wildlife Aid in Leatherhead. When I collected Bonnie after my holiday Claire mentioned that it might be nice if Bonnie had a husband to keep her company. On visiting Bobtails to find her a partner I was so impressed by Jim and Delia’s efforts to find homes for hundreds of unwanted bunnies that I jumped at the chance to help them with their work.
Hi, I’m Pat and I first came to Bobtails in April 05 to find a girlfriend for my first house rabbit – and I’m still here! I help out by running the sponsorship scheme and updating our Facebook page.
My husband Roy and I currently share our home with our house rabbits called Dill & Daisy. And guinea pigs Holly, Ivy and Colin. They are all rescue animals.
Will & Sarah
We live with our ex-Bobtails house bunnies Jasper & Delilah. We have been volunteering at Bobtails since 2005. We help out at Bobtails at the weekend. We also keep the website up to date and manage and run the Bobtails eBay shop (we have channelled our obsession from buying to selling) and the Bobtails Youtube page. You will find us most Sundays taking photos of the bunnies and guineas (or trying to) so that we can update the adoption pages on the website between talking to visitors to the centre. Sir Parsley, the roving ambassador for Bobtails, and his sidekick Rhubarb, have also accompanied us to Las Vegas, The Maldives, Italy, Loch Ness and on three 'round the world' trips (or 'world tours') to help raise money for Bobtails, where they showed us a very good time and met some celebrities on the way! Our friends think we are completely nuts, as we have everything ‘bunnified’ from ‘beware of the rabbits’ signs in several languages and designs to an interesting range of bunny garden ornaments ... we are just mad about buns!
I'm Lisa and I have been a volunteer for Bobtails for about 9 years. I have Rory (the not so horrible) who was my first foster bunny and he never went back. He lives with his partner Scarlett, also an ex-Bobtails bunny. My daughter Daisy has Lily with the Willie (originally thought to be a girl, then a boy and now he is not sure) who is bonded with Muffin one of Bobtails sponsor bunnies. I have had the pleasure of looking after several of the Bobtails sponsor bunnies including Minnie, Kermit, Cassius and Bun. Life would not be the same without my bunnies and friends at Bobtails. I am glad to say that even at 3, Daisy has also got the bug for Bobtails.
Hi, I’m Shirley and I first came to Bobtails in 2005 looking for a girlie for my very handsome Nethie Dwarf/Dutch bun, BunBun - very original, I know! BunBun was my first ever bun and was found abandoned and wandering in a lane just off the M25. Since adopting the gorgeous Guinness as his partner, I've acquired just a few more along the way and I also have two German Shepherd girlies to keep me busy when I’m not chopping up food or up to my eyes in litter trays and hay bales!
I help out with fostering, home checking, bonding and on Sunday open days, as and when I can. Rabbits have totally changed my life and I feel so very privileged to have shared in the life of each and every bunny that I have cared for.
Hi, I'm Sarah. I have volunteered at Bobtails for about 3 years. I first went to Bobtails to get a companion for my own guniea pig but, instead got 2. Since then the number of guinea pigs has grown from 3 to 6 after my DAD fell in love with Widgeon (a little foster guinea pig which we renamed Whizz). What a hypocrite - he said that we aren't allowed any more guinea pigs and he gets some instead. Unfair or what!
Hi I'm Tracey. I have been working as a veterinary nurse since 1999 and heard about Bobtails through a collegue. I first came to Bobtails in January 2008. I have 2 of my own rabbits - a very handsome dutch Bun Jovi and a crazy lion head cross dwarf lop Callie. They share their home with 3 cats Maddie, Evie and Charlie, piggy Tanzy and hamster Beansprout.
Hello Folks! I was introduced to Bobtails in August 2011 by my work colleague and fellow volunteer Tracey. I work as a Veterinary Nurse during the week and pop to Bobtails to help out most Sundays. I share my life with a menagerie of beautiful animals; guinea pigs (of course!), roborovski hamsters, giant african land snails, 3 naughty cats and a tortoise called Toby. The Bobtails team are all wonderful, and volunteering with them is an honour. We have lots of fun together!