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As you can imagine, we like any other charity are desperate for funds. We receive no official funding from any source - we rely solely upon donations. We do not have a fixed charge when re-homing an animal or when taking one into our care but would appreciate whatever you would like to give. When considering your donation, please bear in mind if your chosen animal has been neutered and vaccinated, as it is these costs which consume a large percentage of our funds.
Please note at this moment in time we do not have the facillity to accept credit/debit card payments as donations at the centre. We can however accept cheques or cash. Please bear this in mind when you either come to collect your new pets or drop off for rehoming.
Our vet, David More at The Corner Veterinary Clinic, is very supportive and gives the charity a generous discount. Even so, our healthcare bills are huge, not to mention food, bedding etc, therefore we would love any financial help you could give.
All of our time is taken up with caring for the animals, which leaves no time for fund raising. If anyone could help by holding car boot sales etc, we have items for sale which been donated to the charity but have no time to do the sales!
We also would appreciate any home checking - this is an essential part of our work as we need to be convinced that each and every animal adopted from Bobtails goes to a suitable, responsible home. You do not need to already be an experienced home checker as we provide guidelines to help.
And of course we are always grateful for help with cleaning out and other day to day necessities.
If you can donate your time, skills and enthusiasm for any amount of time, why not enquire about joining the Bobtails team.
Donate Via Paypal To make a donation, using your Paypal account or simply by debit or credit card, please log on to https://www.paypal.comand use the "send money" facility. Our e-mail address for making online payments is bobtailsauction@aol.com.
Donate via the Charities Aid Foundation Website Because we are a registered charity, you can make a donation to Bobtails via the Charities Aid Foundation Website at www.cafonline.org. In the “Find a charity and donate” section on the left-hand side of the web page, enter the key words “Bobtails Rabbit” and click search. From here, you can make a donation using a debit or credit card.
Donate via Just Text Giving Bobtails is amongst the first charities in the country to use its very own, unique personalised text code, BRGR44, to raise funds using JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
This is a brand new, free service for charities, that has no set up or fundraising costs for charities, no network charges for people making donations and every penny donated goes to charity. Gift Aid can also be added to donations.
From today, you can make donations of up to £10 by texting BRGR44 and either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 to 70070 to make your donation. The text message is free and all of the donation will be passed on to us!
This is a wonderful way for us to raise money as it’s speedy, simple and spontaneous. Most people have a mobile phone these days so we are hoping that this will be very popular with our supporters.
For further information about JustTextGiving by Vodafone please visit www.justtextgiving.co.uk
Raise Money for us via www.easyfundraising.org.uk You can now help raise funds for Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue every time you shop online.
Choose from over 600 of the UK's best-known retailers including many popular names such as Next, Argos, Debenhams, John Lewis, HMV and iTunes, and when you shop using the links on the easyfundraising website, up to 15% from every purchase you make will be donated to Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue.
It doesn't cost a penny extra to shop and raise funds for us this way, and as many retailers now give extra discounts when you buy online, you can even save money!
Use the website below for further information and start raising funds for us at www.easyfundraising.org.uk
With your help, the total raised so far since we registered on 11th January 2009 (as at 7th April 2013) is: £1,167.05
Raise money for us via www.easysearch.org.uk You can also help raise funds for Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue every time you use the Easysearch search engine. You can go straight there by using the animated Easysearch link at the bottom right hand corner ofthe screen.
Use Easysearch instead of Google or any other search engine and you can make a real difference to Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue. We get 1 penny for every 2 searches and here's the best bit......it cost you absolutely nothing!
As well as raising funds, Easysearch also gives you the best search results available on Web. Today, the Internet is so big that different search engines will deliver different results for the same search. So, by combining the strengths of several search engines together - Yahoo!, MSN Windows Live Search, Ask.com, MIVA, and many more - you get the very best results in terms of accuracy and relevance, which means you'll find what you're looking for quickly and easily every time - all in one 'easy' search!
Why not set this page as your browser’s home page!
Raise Money for us as a Seller through www.ebay.co.uk You can also help us raise money when you are selling items on eBay. As a registered charity, you can choose to donate between 10% and 90% of your final sale value to Bobtails when you list an item for sale.
eBay will also credit fees back to sellers when they sell through the eBay for Charity programme - when you sell an eBay for Charity item, you are eligible for the eBay fee credit if the item sells. eBay’s basic selling fees (basic insertion and final value fees) will be credited back to you according to the level of your donation.
For example, if you donate 50% of your item’s sale price to charity, you will receive a credit of 50% of your basic selling fees.
The fee credit will appear automatically on your first eBay invoice after the item sells.
So when you list an item on eBay, please consider donating a percentage of the final sale to Bobtails! We get an e-mail every time someone lists something that will give us a donation and you will receive a personal thank you from us!
See who else is raising money for us by selling on eBay at: http://donations.ebay.co.uk/charity/charity.jsp?NP_ID=27909
Do you have any DVDs or CDs you can let us have? We have been very successful in selling unwanted DVD's and CDs in our eBay shop. If you have any old DVD's or CDs you don't want any more, please can you think about donating them to us. If you drop them off at the rescue centre we will do the rest.....and you'll be helping raise lots of money for us. We have raised over £1,800 so far!