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Thank You
TEDDINGTON VET'S 10 RABBIT VACCINATIONS DONATION A special thanks goes out to Teddington Vets (www.vet4life.co.uk), who have very kindly chosen Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue to donate 10 rabbit vaccinations to as part of their involvement in Rabbit Awareness Week 2013. It is our policy to make sure that all of our rabbits are vaccinated as a matter of course. This has to be paid out of donations received from the public, so the generosity of Teddington Vets really is greatly appreciated. You can read more about Rabbit Awareness Week on our news page at Rabbit Awareness Week
TOR BAILEY'S LEAVING PRESENT We were really touched when we discovered that supporter and adopter Tor Bailey had asked for the money raised for a leaving present when she left her job to be donated to us - a grand total of £103.74. Thank you so much.
HANNAH ELLISON'S MAGAZINE Another thank you to Hannah, who raised £5.55 by making and selling a comic/magazine to her family members in aid of Bobtails. Click here to see a photo of Hannah. Looks like it was popular - perhaps you should sell your magazine outside your family circle Hannah?!
KATE & LEON MADAKBAS Thank you to Kate & Leon for organising a Christmas play and raising £13.34 for Bobtails from ticket sales. You can view a copy of their lovely letter by clicking Click here.
WAITROSE IN NEW MALDEN We would like to thank Waitrose in New Malden for choosing Bobtails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue for it's "Community Matters" scheme, which raised £200 for the rescue centre. Thank you also to all the Waitrose customers, who chose our charity when spending their green tokens!
FREDDIE NICHOLLS' PLANTS We would like to give a big thank you to Freddie Nicholls who raised £20 for Bobtails by planting seeds and selling plants. Freddie is a dedicated Bobtails supported as he has adopted two guinea pigs: Hedgehog Fungus & Willow from us previously. Thank you Freddie. Click here to see a picture of Freddie with one of his fantastic plants.
MILLY O'SULLIVAN'S POCKET MONEY We would like to give a big thank you to Milly O’Sullivan who very thoughtfully decided to give up some of her pocket money every week just so she could donate it to Bobtails. Its gestures like this that touch our hearts, knowing that people are thinking of us and wanting to help the animals. Click here to see a picture of Milly with her 2 guinea pigs “Rex & Sherri”.
HEATHER AND CALUM'S CAKE SALE Thank you to 12 year old Heather and 10 year old Calum, who organised a charity cake sale over Easter. We are so grateful that they chose Bobtails as their charity and we are absoltely delighted that they raised a fantastic £35 for us. A big thank you to Heather and Calum! Click here to see a picture of Heather and Calum.
HARRY JOHNSON'S SPONSORED HOP Thank you to 6 year old Harry Johnson, who completed a sponsored hop at his school in aid of Bobtails and raised a whopping £47.38 by completing 522 hops in 5 minutes. Wow...thank you Harry! Click here to see a picture of Harry with his Certificate.
ANONYMOUS DONOR! Thank you to the anonymous donor of a crate of DVDs and CDs that were left on our door step. We will be listing them for sale in our eBay shop, which will help raise valuable funds for the rescue centre. A big 'Thank you' to whoever you are!
OPEN DAY 2012 DONATION THANK YOU'S Thank you to everyone who donated prizes for our 2012 open day on 13th May.
WEBSITE DESIGN We must thank the person responsible for getting this whole site up and running:-
Tamsin from 'TamDesign' (www.tamdesign.co.uk) has designed and set up this website for us. As you can see, it is a very clear and easy site to navigate and from the feedback that we have recieved, you think so too. A really big thank you goes out to Tam from all of us here at Bobtails (including the animals) and you can click on the link to her site to see what else she has done, who knows.......she may be able to help you too.
VETERINARY SERVICES A big thank you to the team at 'The Corner Veterinary Clinic' (www.thecornervet.co.uk) without whose support, knowledge and compassion we could not operate at the level we do. They are always ready to help us with the most difficult cases, and will never give up if there is any hope.
OUR 'CHILDREN' Bradley and Laura, our children, who have helped with the building up of Bobtails from the first vision to the reality it is today. From digging foundations, chopping trees, mixing concrete and filling goodness knows how many skips, to feeding, cleaning, handling, loving and caring for the animals and also crying with us over ones we could not save. Thank you for being there when we need you.
THE VOLUNTEERS Also our thanks to our helpers, those who come and do the messy jobs like cleaning, bathing and grooming.
OUR FOSTER CARERS Without the support from our amazing foster carers the centre would be full with animals we cannot rehome for varying reasons, as we have a non destruct policy, unless of course the animals are suffering. They look after them in their own homes giving them love, care and the opportunity to live out their lives in comfort. While we cover the vet fees etc!
THE HOME CHECKERS Thanks to all the people that carry out home checks on our behalf. The time it would take to travel all over the South of England home checking would mean we had time for nothing else!