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We received this message from a wonderful little girl called Bailey and think it’s a great idea.
Hi, i'm Bailey i'm 10 years old and in year 5. I wanted to tell you about my campaign that I have started and ask you if you can please help. The campaign is to have an animal fundraising day in all the schools in our country, every single year. I love animals and just want to help them. I think a lot of children and adults would be very happy to have a fundraising day in schools every year. And so I have started an online petition to the department of education Will you please help me? Will you sign and share my petition? It would help massively! I think children wearing non school uniform and paying 1 pound donations like they do for children in need could really help animals! I hope you like my idea, here is a link to my petition
Baileys Campaign - www.change.org/animalfundraisingdayinallschools
Thank you very much, Bailey