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Scribbling with Bud - 11/15/2006

Last time you heard from me I was about to go under the shakey hand of Dr No Balls to have my bits and bobs removed. The operation was a success and to the joy of the Bobtails Aunties I can no longer reproduce.
And as promised, in exchange for surrendering my bits and bobs I was given some new friends. While no bun will ever ever replace my darling Clara, who I still miss so much, Cyd and Denver are jolly good fun and will keep me company on these long autumnal nights.
Now, enough about me and on to the Bobtails business.
Well, as usual, the centre is still full to bursting with buns and guineas needing new homes so if you are looking for love bear us in mind as we’ve all got bundles of love to give. One little friend of mine who has lots of love to offer is Pye. He’s with his mum at the moment but desperately needs to step out into the big wide world away from his mum’s paw and find himself a girlie bunfriend. He’s an 18-week-old lion head and would like to meet a young, single female – he’s not fussy bless him.
Someone else we need to bless is Auntie Pat who has us all in stitches with her antics. If she’s not wearing a chicken hat to make us all smile, she’s telling us about her crazy mad dreams. Listen to this and tell me we don’t have the best aunties in the world helping us out. She dreamt she was here at Bobtails and left a cage open, allowing a brown and white bunny to escape. Delia told her to go and find the bun so off she went into the garden. A little while later she returned to Delia’s horror with a brown and black Yorkshire Terrier. “No, we don’t have any terriers here Pat,” cried Delia. “Go and find the bunny.” After another search of the bushes Pat returned to Delia again, this time carrying something brown and white. “No, Pat,” cried Delia, “that’s a lurcher, go and find the rabbit.”
If there was ever a case of someone spending too much time here, it’s Auntie Pat.
I heard Auntie Delia saying the other day that she wanted to thank every one who had helped when she was ‘off her feet’. I heard one of the other Aunties saying she’s back on her feet again but is still off her rocker. Our human friends say such funny things. Anyway, Auntie Delia wanted to say a very special thank you to all the Bobtails volunteers, especially Will and Sarah who have been updating the list of buns looking for love, Auntie Pat who has been going great guns getting people to sponsor our buns, Auntie Karen who helps so much and Auntie Claire who has been doing wonders with the Bobtails’ wish list.
So there we have it, the latest gossip from the Bobtails bunnies. As our lovely Mr Scruff used to say ‘nudgey cuddles to you all’.
Love Budx

We are next open:

***After 20 plus years it is with great sadness that we have decided that the time is coming to bring Bobtails Rescue to an end. Bobtails will finally close 1st November 2022***

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